Interlude: “Caregiver Burden” and “Community Resources”

“While caregivers thought both diagnosing and treating physicians were knowledgeable about individual disease symptoms and current treatment options, most respondents reported their physicians lacked knowledge regarding not only the course and prognosis of the disease but also any available community resources or allied health referrals.”

–Galvin, James E. et al. “Lewy Body Dementia: Caregiver Burden and Unmet Needs.” Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders vol. 24,2 (2010): 177-81.  doi:10.1097/WAD.0b013e3181c72b5d

The doctor said vaguely that social workers help families navigate the system.  The social worker affiliated with the clinic referred us to the Senior Linkage Line.  The person who answered the phone at the Senior Linkage Line referred us to the county for an assessment.  The social worker at the county office said that his office no longer provided those assessments and suggested contacting someone at the clinic.